Friday, September 18, 2009

On the Low End of the Cycle

I'm really fighting my self-sabotage. Well, I'm trying at least. If I'm honest, I'm not winning that battle all that often. I've reached the point where weight loss feels like an impossible slog and I'm getting rather self-destructive about it all: staying up late, eating too much, eating the wrong things, being sedentary instead of active, and I know where those things lead. Hell, I carry around 100 extra pounds thanks to making those choices for too many years.

It seems so impossible, so hopeless, and I'm tired of riding this roller coaster. Trouble is, I know what happens if I stop trying... it's all downhill from there. So what needs to happen?

  1. Exercise every day, preferably more than once (walk, play EA Sports Active, go to Curves, play Wii Fit)
  2. Brush the horses every day, weather permitting
  3. Spend 60 minutes every day working on cleaning the house
  4. Pause to think before eating
  5. Eat when hungry and not until full
  6. Go to bed by 11 most nights
  7. Drink more water
That's where I plan to start.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you!!! I have self-sabataged my entire summer away. I can't believe it!! I've been playing games and am just sick of it. The weight's been creeping back.

    You've got a good plan there. We all know what we have to do. Why can't we just stick to our plans.

    Keep the faith. You'll do it!

