Monday, June 1, 2009

My first measurement and weigh-in

Today was my first measurement and weigh-in. I haven't missed a week of going three times, although due to the fact they were closed on Memorial Day I went an extra day without working out once. I'm really pleased with my progress and I'm trying very hard to be aware of my sabotaging tendencies that are whispering, "It can't last, just like last time you'll gain it all back.", so they don't gain any power over me.

Here are today's results:
Date 6/1/09
Pre-Workout Heart Rate N/A
Blood Pressure N/A
Bust 47.5
Waist 46
Abdomen 51
Hips 54.5
Thighs 26
Arms 14
Weight 258
Body Fat 45.4%
BMI 42.9

My emotions haven't been running as high lately, and I suspect that's partially because I've been more active. I'm trying to do something each day that makes me feel like I've accomplished something, such as watering the garden and hanging the laundry on the line. It's hard to believe just how inactive I'd become.

I read an article a few days ago about a man in England who used to be an underwear model and has gained something like 60 pounds so that he can better understand the situation his clients are in (he's a personal trainer now). I don't know why it surprised me when he said that he felt depressed, embarrassed about going out in public, lethargic, etc., but somehow that made me feel better about my struggles. I'm trying so hard not to defeat myself and it's getting easier to pass up fast food and the donut shop. When I have a craving I eat a couple of dark chocolate covered almonds. I'm not passing up dessert, but I'm managing my portions and so far so good.

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